Month: February 2016

Feng Shui of Cologne Cathedral, Germany


The Cologne Cathedral Roman Catholic church is located in Cologne, Germany. It was recognized as an UNESCO site in 1996. It is the seat of the Archbishop of Cologne (currently Cardinal Joachim Meisner), and is under the administration of the Archdiocese of Cologne. It is renowned as a monument of Christianity, of German Catholicism in particular, of Gothic architecture and of the continuing faith and perseverance of the people of the city in which it stands. It is dedicated to Saint Peter and the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is 144.5 metres long, 86.5 m wide and its towers are approximately 157 m tall. The cathedral is one of the world’s largest churches and the largest Gothic church in Northern Europe. For four years, 1880-84, it was the tallest structure in the world. It has the second-tallest church spires, only surpassed by the single spire of Ulm Minster, completed 10 years later in 1890. Because of its enormous twin spires, it also presents the largest façade of any church in the world.


Master Tham took the opportunity to pay this fabulous church a visit when he went to Germany to investigate Feng Shui there.

The church was built in a good spot and ideal location where good Chi flow is present. The church becomes like a magnet, attracting fame, wealth and influence from everywhere and all directions. Because of the correct Feng Shui position, the church brings luck to the residents there as well as bringing economic growth to the city. More over, the church managed to bring fame and strong influence to the city.


The great twin spires of this magnificent building are like two lions guarding the city. Because the twin spires were built in a suitable location and its background properties is good, it has good Feng Shui. Master Tham said, ‘The fate of a man was destined when he was born but the fate of a building was destined to be either good or bad when it was built on a particular location.’ The great twin spires represent two lions that guard the church. The effects of these lions were clearly seen during the World War II. During the World War II, Cologne was bombed and severely hit by aerial bombs for more than seventy times. However, it did not collapse but stood tall and steady. The great twin spires that metaphorically known as ‘Lions’ managed to protect the building from harm. It is not possible for any building as tall as 157 metres to resist seventy hits of aerial bombardment unless it has great Feng Shui that protects it. The great twin spires with its exterior properties that looks like two lions will look after the entire town of Cologne. Master Tham said ‘The location of the Church is good and it brings harmony to all the residents there. Chinese people do believe in Feng Shui. During the ancient times, when there is a good and correct location with good feng shui properties, a house built at that particular location will bring wealth, prosperity, fame, good health and tremendous good luck to the occupants of the house. However, if a temple or church was built at that particular location, the entire village or city will benefit from it.’


Master Tham also entered church to investigate its interior properties. The church’s location is facing the South. When the church was viewed from the sky, it looks like a cross shape. The cross shape signifies stability and beauty. The church’s Feng Shui is able to trap the wind (Feng in Mandarin) and water (Shui in Mandarin). Therefore, it is like a safety box that attracts and stores jewelries. There are a lot of treasures and valuable antiques and items in the basement of the church such as jewelries and Jewish tablets. In Feng Shui, the Yin and Yang have to be balanced, then only the Feng Shui of the building can be harmonized. The sparkling bright treasures and antiques have Yang properties and they gave out the Yang Aura. There was also a famous sarcophagus named ‘Shrine of The Three Kings’ that is traditionally believed to hold the remains of the Three Wise Men whose bones and 2000-year-old clothes were discovered at the opening of the shrine in 1864. The famous sarcophagus has Yin Properties which is dull and dark. Thus, these Yin auras from the sarcophagus and Yang aura from the jewelries and treasures balanced each other and thus, creating a harmonized Feng Shui effect.


According to history, despite heavy bombings during the World War II, the Church still stands today. However, as years passed by, the bricks of the building become even stronger. Renovations were done after 1948. The church celebrated its 700 year anniversary in 1998.

Master Tham said that the history of the Cologne Cathedral is very good and every Sunday, there will be a lot of people who will visit this church for their prayers. Because of this church, people from all over the world visited Cologne. This is the reason why Feng Shui is very important. The church became a famous place for infant baptism in Germany.

Master Tham is the first International Feng Shui Master who likes to travel around the World to investigate the Feng Shui of various interesting buildings and places. He also enjoys art and heritage of all cultures.
There are a lot of colorful windows in the church. These windows play an important role in Feng Shui for the Church. The church was huge and filled with dim lights inside and thus, full of Yin energy. Too much of dimness (Yin energy) is not good. However, the windows with its colorful colors allow the beams of light to pass into the church. The beams of light that pass through the windows bring positive Yang energy into the church. The Yang energy was further intensified by the rainbow colors of the windows. Thus, the Yin and Yang harmonizes each other.


Master Tham said that not all twin towers are good Feng Shui unless it is located in a correct position as in according to advised by the Chinese Luopun and have to in combatible with various factors and needed to be harmonized with other good Feng Shui energies. Feng Shui is different for all places and it needs to take a lot of other factors like its background into consideration before determining whether it is good or not. However it is a good coincident the twin towers of the church is located perfectly which enhance good energies not only to the building itself but it radiant strong positive energies to its surrounding areas as well.

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Feng Shui of China Town, London, England



The name Chinatown has been used at a lot of places around the world. Chinese people had established Chinatowns all over the world. In London, the Chinatown is located in Gerrard Street, London City.

Chinatown of London is full of Chinese shops, built with unique Chinese architectures. There are a lot of delicious Chinese restaurants, souvenir shops, supermarkets, cafes, bakeries, and other businesses there. The town is always full of people and is a very lively city.
Thousands of Chinese group together at the Limehouse area of the East End of London during the 20th century. At the start of the 20th century, the Chinese population of London was concentrated in that area, setting up businesses which catered to the Chinese sailors who frequented in Docklands (South-East and North-East areas of London). As the Chinese community venture into new business opportunities, the city began to grow rapidly. The new Chinatown was formed in the 1970’s. There was a rapid growth in the development of Chinatown that time. A lot of Hong Kong citizens migrated to the town and they had opened a lot of new restaurants.

Like all other Chinatowns, London Chinatown has an Archway (Pai Fang) that holds the name of the town. It had become a Chinese custom where all Chinese villages and towns must have an Archway to be built in order to name the place, city or village of an area. Many people do not realize that the Archway is actually an important aspect of Feng Shui that will influence the development and progress of the town or city. Literally, the Archway (Pai Fang) determines the fate of the city or village. There is also a pair of Lion Statues made of stone that was placed behind the Archway (Pai Fang).
Master Tham said, ‘A good Archway with excellent Feng Shui features can bring prosperity and fame to the occupants of the particular village. However, if the Feng Shui is not good, the village will be full of very old people and very young children only. The young generation will migrate to other places.’ That is the reason why a true Feng Shui expert is needed to remedy and place the Archway of any certain city or village in order to prevent mishaps and bad luck.

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After the inspection of the Archway’s peculiar Feng Shui, International Feng Shui Master Tham said that the Feng Shui of the Archway is very good. Many years ago, the England government pays Chinese people who settled down here to migrate back to the mainland of China but they refused. Instead, more and more people settle down at London Chinatown. More and more people from Vietnam, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Yunan had joined the residents of the city and turn it into a bustling city. Master Tham explains that this is due to the good Feng Shui of the Archway and location. During the Wesak Day in year 2007, The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall were all by dragon dancers as they visit London’s Chinatown. Charles and Camilla also visited Chinese bakeries, supermarkets and restaurants there. London Chinatown becomes more and more famous day by day. Thousands of people gathered to watch the different celebrations and festivals of the Chinese Community there every year and thus, making the city very lively. These are due to the Lively Chi that was converged towards the city by the Feng Shui of the Archway (Pai Fang). There are four special Feng Shui points that were highlighted by Master Tham regarding the Archway.

1) The direction the Archway (Pai Fang) is facing was built correctly and enough to bring good Feng Shui to the town. However, if the Archway is to be moved with a minor change of just 3 degrees, the Feng Shui will be even stronger. The height of the Archway is not tall enough. It is such a waste as if the height and facing direction of the Archway is to be changed correctly, London Chinatown will be even more famous and prosperous.

2) The Archway’s signboard has holes in the middle and sides of it that allows wind to pass through it. Ancient Chinese Archways are considered bad if there are holes at the middle of it. If the holes were sealed, the Feng Shui will be stronger and its effectiveness will be enhanced.

3) The Archway is not built of concrete. Although the current Archway is strong and steady, it should be made of concrete in order to secure the more powerful energies of Feng Shui. If it is made up of concrete, it will have a permanent resistance against wind and water and thus, helps to maintain its positive energy.

4) The most pitiful thing is, the two Lion Guardians which was placed behind – hiding behind the Archway. The two huge lion statues, which is made of concrete should be placed at front of the Archway instead of the hiding them behind the Archway. The statues have the potential to safe guard the Chi that enters the City but it is unable to utilize this Feng Shui enhancer as no blessings were done to the statues and they were placed at the wrong location. Thus, the good effect of the pair of Lions was diminished. Master Tham would like to remind all readers that statues of animals needed to be used correctly according to the Feng Shui’s location and the accurate precepts before placing them. The correct use of these statues can contribute to enhance the good Feng Shui of a particular location but a wrong usage could bring devastating effects.


According to Master Tham, the Archway Feng Shui is located at the number 1 where it will have fame, prosperity good luck and a very lively environment. Occupants in the city will definitely find a good living inside this city. However, 9 Flying Star Feng Shui changes according to time while the permanent and real Feng Shui properties such as the location, background environment and the Archway can almost last forever if no changes are to be made. If the Feng Shui of the Archway (Pai Fang) is bad, the young generation will migrate to other places to work and live instead of staying there. Master Tham added that the Feng Shui in London Chinatown is good. However, if the above four points were to be changed, the good Feng Shui of London Chinatown will be at its best potential and the residents will definitely have an extremely good future ahead.

For those who are at London and plan to get to know more on Buddhism, you can contact IBPS United Kingdom (London Fo Guang Shan Temple) at 02076368394 or email ibps@londonfgs.org.uk. This association organises the 2552 Buddha’s Birthday Celebration in London. Their members are very friendly.

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Bedroom Feng Shui Tips

Your bedroom is one of the most important area in your house. Getting enough sleep you’ll be feeling more energetic in everything you do and you’ll be more healthy, free from stress, gaining more success and wealth and having better relationship with your spouse. However, in order to have a good sleep you are required to have a good Feng Shui environment to have positive Qi in your room. In this year Feng Shui tips, Master Tham is pleased to share a few tips on getting a good Feng Shui for your bedroom.

1. Ensure that the path to your room is free from things so that you can walk freely. This will ensure good Qi in flowing in.

2. For the location and sector of your bedroom, please refer to our 9 Flying Star Chart.

3. Do not place too many things in your room. Make sure that your room is always tidy and let the sun shine into your room.

4. Avoid putting a lot of electrical appliances into your room because they will give out radiation that will be bad for your health.

5. Avoid putting statues, paintings or artworks of fierce creatures/animals that have sharp claws, horns or fangs as they will create bad Qi to the occupants of the room.

6. Avoid rooms with pipes and beam above your room or above your head. If there are pipes on your beam, cover them.

7. Make sure that your mattresses are in good condition. Change them if they’re old or at least, change a new bed sheet! You will receive new positive Qi for yourself.

8. Make sure that your bed doesn’t face the bathroom or toilet it will bring bad Qi to the occupants.

9. Avoid having corners of your walls, doors, cupboards or even dressing tables facing your bed. These corners will bring about killing Qi that will cause you to have health problems or sleeping disorders and bad luck.

10. Do not sleep under the beam of your room.

11. Remove all naked pictures in your room as these pictures will strain the relationship between you and your spouse.

12. Do not place plants with thorns in your room.

13. Make sure that your room is not situated under the staircase/toilets.

14. Do not position your bed underneath the air conditioner or lamps.

It should be noted that these tips are only general practice and will not encompass the maximization of effective Feng Shui. An effective Feng Shui must take into account a number of factors such as compatibility of life charts in relate to location, geographical Feng Shui features, environment and all these could only be done by a genuine Feng Shui expert on the site using a Luo Pan. Bad Chi needed to be avoided and good Chi needed to be absorbed.

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Whitney Houston and Leslile Cheung in depression


Whitney Houston, who is one of the top pop queens had sold more than 170 million albums worldwide. However, little people know that she suffered from depression and personal struggles. She died of unknown causes on Feb 2012.

Her luck was extremely bad starting from 2005 where she faced disputes with her family members, where it led to a divorce in 2006.

Little people knew she was suffering quietly until the media revealed it. The worst thing is, she had no one to turn to and depend on when she went through hell.

The same thing happened to Leslie Cheung who suffered from depression quietly. Leslie was ranked as the 1st Most Favored Actor in 100 Years of Chinese Cinema in 2005 by China Television Central. He is one of the founding fathers to Cantopop and had contributed tremendously to the Chinese music arena.

Leslie, despite his fame and success suffered from depression quietly. He committed suicide on 1st of April 2003 and left a note – informing the public he was depressed. The note and his action shocked the Asian entertainment industry and news spread in extreme haste across Hong Kong, and Asian countries.

The death of Houston and Leslie are both a major loss to us. No matter a person who is rich, poor, famous, beautiful, ugly, intelligent or whatsoever, as long as there are people – there will be good and bad period of times where luck is not with us. There are times where we had bad luck afflictions that affect our mood, thinking and the things that happen around us.

During these bad periods, our bad luck might be worsen by the bad Chi where they present in bad feng shui neighbour hood or areas. When you are in depression or in bad luck, get someone to talk to and help you. Never live in depression alone as life is very wonderful. It is just that whether you are in a bad luck period or you are having bad Feng Shui. The best part of life had yet to come. It is recommended that you consult a real Feng Shui Master to assist you if you feel that your life always turn out to be disappointing. Consult a genuine and reliable Feng Shui Master. Do your homework and be choosy as your fate will be affected if you consult a fake Feng Shui Master.

Whenever you suffer any type of problems, forms of depression or disappointments, one should avoid committing into taking drugs, suicide, keeping to yourself or stay alone. Search for some one that you can chat with or a genuine professional Feng Shui consultant where it will assist you tremendously. Don’t forget that the best moments are still yet to come to us!

Although both of them is rich and famous, both left us because they don’t have ”helpful” people around them.
Hope this will provide a little advice to others. Whenever one who is suffering from bad depression or on the verge of committing suicide or taking drugs, never forget to consult or chat with other people that might be a great help to you such as your close one or even someone you have not been acquainted before such as a psychologist or a genuine and true prefessional Feng Shui Master! A little change at the spur of this mindful thought would give you that wonderful moment to find out not only how important your valuable life is, but especially how much the societies needed your support and how much we needed you to share our life and grow old with us!

Worldwide Truth Feng Shui

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Fishpond Feng Shui


Fish pond had been a favorite tool for Feng Shui remedies all over the world. Many people would be wondering, are Fish Pond Feng Shui for real and are they effective? In genuine and effective feng shui theories, water features such as water fountains, ponds or pools are not determined by just locating it on the left or right without considering the full details of the geographical properties by a reliable and true feng shui master who posses deep knowledge in Feng Shui. Other things needed to be taken into consideration includes the household birth dates, landscapes, and surrounding areas before a correct spot is to be chosen fot the particular water location as it is very dangerous to choose a particular spot blindly.

International Feng Shui Grand Master Tham Fook Cheong stated that Fish Ponds that represents the element of water in many situations can be utilized for the benefits of the occupants if the situation is appropriate according to accurate and correct Feng Shui principles.

Water Ponds that had been supervised and guided by a reliable and good Feng Shui Master have the potential to bring good benefits such as good health, wealth, fame and even good luck to the occupants. However, if wrongly constructed or its construction aspects such as shape, width and length, depth, sector or location is against the fundamental theories of feng shui will result in very bad energy or Chi that comes along with it. Therefore, an experienced, true and reliable Feng Shui Master is needed to activate the Water Element and at the same time, evading the bad Chi. This is critical for the safety and benefit of the occupants.

When it comes to constructing a pond or a pool, do not take feng shui for granted.


Master Tham Fook Cheong supervising the progress of a gigantic pond.

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International Feng Shui Master Tham Fook Cheong investigating Feng Shui of a huge constructed Pond.

A lot of people had been building swimming pools, fish ponds or even water fountains without realizing the dangers that await them. Normally, they will have good luck and bad luck that happen at the same time, or at intervals. In a nutshell, their good luck and wealth goes up and down. In critical situations, good things start to happen at short time, followed by long periods of constant bad luck that might even lead to accidents and instant death without any warning. No matter how hardworking and effort you put in your undertakings, things will not go what you expected them to be.

In most situations, the most clever and highly potential son or the most beautiful and clever daughter in the family will suffer first, followed by their siblings. Problems will arise such as financial difficulties, family relationship problems, and sickness. Some people will then move out of the house and reside in other areas while some will continue to stay and suffer without realizing it.

Therefore, it is crucial to seek a true, reliable and genuine Feng Shui Master to study and geting advises before the construction of the pond or pool, otherwise, it is safest for the family that their surrounding buidling should be left alone without any water features. Master Stanley Tham can be contacted at the contact section of this blog.

Written by Kuen Wei
Worldwide Truth Feng Shui

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