October 31, 2016 MASTER STANLEY THAM FOOK CHEONG Master Tham (when he was young) with his master studying the wonderful Feng Shui at a well known temple in China.譚師父與良師在中國著名古剎研究千變萬化的風水格局。Grand Master Tham and his Master take a rest while leading him up to the jungle to studies the various types of dragon mounds, its good and bad earth, sheltering of types of wind and its water accumulation, as well as various side elements.先師喘喘氣稍微休息一會兒,便引領本人進入叢林深入鑽研各陣勢龍穴。其間,泥壤也區分吉凶、風與水的完滿結合,以及週遭側旁的天干地支以及五行形勢各異。According to Grand Master Tham, this remote village is more than 500 years old. Look at some of the structures that constructed with only sand and mud. It was erected without cement or iron-bars at all. Master Tham and his master are there to studies its past and present Feng Shui.據我先師說,這座座落在山頂的村莊,已有500年古老歷史。仔細觀察部份架構,是以沙堆和泥壤砌成,完全沒有水泥和鐵條。我倆在此處悉心勘察這卦山的過去與未來風水格局。 A young Grand Master Tham studies the fame and success of this temple. The master noted that the sha chi surrounding the temple have been already suppressed by the ancient Feng Shui master. The pond at the lower level was located at a right direction.宗師甚至探討過這座廟宇的盛衰。他內心有感而發,鑑定環繞廟宇的煞氣,早被風水前輩鎮壓於無蹤。地處較低的池塘,位於右方。Feng Shui left behind its history! With the Luopan in hand Grand Master Tham could trace back the events that have taken place over here! 風水總悠悠地把歷史給留住。譚師父手執羅盤,引經據典一一追述話當年,道盡當地流逝的歷史點滴。At another further remote part of China in the hills, Master Tham advised his master to take a rest in a villager’s house.走入中國偏遠群岳的另一端,譚師父勸告先師且在村莊稍息,才繼續上路。Studying Guo Fei’s grave.Studying its Feng Shui to find out how the five elements, the pagoda, bridge goddess of mercy, island, large water pond could merge with each other. 刻意由風水角度研究其五行,即塔寺、橋樑、觀音菩薩、島嶼和偌大的池塘又如何可以化剋生息。Grand Master Tham and his Master take a rest while leading him up to the jungle to studies the various types of dragon mounds, its good and bad earth, sheltering of types of wind and its water accumulation, as well as various side elements.先師喘喘氣稍微休息一會兒,便引領本人進入叢林深入鑽研各陣勢龍穴。其間,泥壤也區分吉凶、風與水的完滿結合,以及週遭側旁的天干地支以及五行形勢各異。The Master traced the Feng Shui failure of a half moon pond with dragon head fountain that affected the pagoda – very few visitors. 宗師發現其風水其實已遭一個築上龍頭噴泉的半月形池塘,與塔寺惡性相剋,所以遊人不多 « Yang Feng Shui Media and News » wtfs View more posts from this author
October 31, 2016 MASTER STANLEY THAM FOOK CHEONG Master Tham (when he was young) with his master studying the wonderful Feng Shui at a well known temple in China.譚師父與良師在中國著名古剎研究千變萬化的風水格局。Grand Master Tham and his Master take a rest while leading him up to the jungle to studies the various types of dragon mounds, its good and bad earth, sheltering of types of wind and its water accumulation, as well as various side elements.先師喘喘氣稍微休息一會兒,便引領本人進入叢林深入鑽研各陣勢龍穴。其間,泥壤也區分吉凶、風與水的完滿結合,以及週遭側旁的天干地支以及五行形勢各異。According to Grand Master Tham, this remote village is more than 500 years old. Look at some of the structures that constructed with only sand and mud. It was erected without cement or iron-bars at all. Master Tham and his master are there to studies its past and present Feng Shui.據我先師說,這座座落在山頂的村莊,已有500年古老歷史。仔細觀察部份架構,是以沙堆和泥壤砌成,完全沒有水泥和鐵條。我倆在此處悉心勘察這卦山的過去與未來風水格局。 A young Grand Master Tham studies the fame and success of this temple. The master noted that the sha chi surrounding the temple have been already suppressed by the ancient Feng Shui master. The pond at the lower level was located at a right direction.宗師甚至探討過這座廟宇的盛衰。他內心有感而發,鑑定環繞廟宇的煞氣,早被風水前輩鎮壓於無蹤。地處較低的池塘,位於右方。Feng Shui left behind its history! With the Luopan in hand Grand Master Tham could trace back the events that have taken place over here! 風水總悠悠地把歷史給留住。譚師父手執羅盤,引經據典一一追述話當年,道盡當地流逝的歷史點滴。At another further remote part of China in the hills, Master Tham advised his master to take a rest in a villager’s house.走入中國偏遠群岳的另一端,譚師父勸告先師且在村莊稍息,才繼續上路。Studying Guo Fei’s grave.Studying its Feng Shui to find out how the five elements, the pagoda, bridge goddess of mercy, island, large water pond could merge with each other. 刻意由風水角度研究其五行,即塔寺、橋樑、觀音菩薩、島嶼和偌大的池塘又如何可以化剋生息。Grand Master Tham and his Master take a rest while leading him up to the jungle to studies the various types of dragon mounds, its good and bad earth, sheltering of types of wind and its water accumulation, as well as various side elements.先師喘喘氣稍微休息一會兒,便引領本人進入叢林深入鑽研各陣勢龍穴。其間,泥壤也區分吉凶、風與水的完滿結合,以及週遭側旁的天干地支以及五行形勢各異。The Master traced the Feng Shui failure of a half moon pond with dragon head fountain that affected the pagoda – very few visitors. 宗師發現其風水其實已遭一個築上龍頭噴泉的半月形池塘,與塔寺惡性相剋,所以遊人不多