Malaysia Feng Shui Master Track Record, Awards & Testimonials
With some photographs proving the TRUTH ABOUT FENG SHUI remedies, we have successfully either immediately, within 3 months or less than a year with his very powerful feng shui remedies have successfully solved many of our clients problems. Most of our clients have earlier consulted several masters, such as feng shui masters, fortune teller, palmistry, pa chee consultants, prayers & tailmans, placing of crystal, chi long, pai yow, three-legged frog, Japanese cats, plants and renovations in their buildings. They have either paid low or exorbitant fees for it. If it really helps it doesn’t matter, however, it was the other way round. Great havoc of mishaps and calamities have done to them. Some of them have even consulted international feng shui masters or “chong chee” (master of feng shui club)”. If you are one of them you would understand what Feng Shui Master Tham meant about truth feng shui!
Problems, mishaps and calamities (BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE) that have been solved by Feng Shui Master Tham are as follows:-
Financial Difficulties, on the verge of bankruptcy, Commercial ventures such as involved in corporations, offices, factories, transport and restaurants already on the verge of collapsing suddenly became flourishing tremendously, avoided various mishaps and calamities such as death and sickness to many households. Cannot meet ends meet, divorced cases, filial piety, childless couple, feud in the family, manage to strike lotteries, life partner, Improved good health, studies showing good & better results, Bright prospect & promotion, children problems, couple become loving and understanding, overcome loneliness. Business improved tremendously and developed. Houses sold easily. Buying of new premises and new homes!
林先生和家人 – 特许经营权持有人
Due to bad feng shui and bad luck we have contacted a few feng shui masters but yet my whole family and children were suffered for years in various manners such as sickness, financially, education, failed my businesses in two attempts with total lost financially. The exclusive rights in Malaysia of a foreign product owned by a multi-million company which I had been holding have been called for immediate termination. It was my last straw of surviving. However my friend and his wife pursued me to seek Master Stanley Tham for help. They pursued me with many proven successful testimonials with transparency of Master Stanley Tham. That was how my family and I came to seek this feng shui master for help. Now I am a successful businessman, my children graduated, my wife and all in the family were in good health. We are now a happy and successful family. Without his help we were all still suffered in silence. We now expressed our most sincere thanks and deepest sincere appreciation to our Master Stanley Tham for his guidance and advises.
MOX先生 – 高层公寓和GIANTS购物中心的电气接线工程承包商
Due to very bad feng shui and bad evil spirits as seen by many of our staff we all suffered badly in our contract business and health. Contract business hard to survive until we finally manage to get the help from Master Stanley Tham after we have tried several feng shui masters and mediums. From than onwards all my staff and I were healthy and my business started to prosper in great stride. Not only we could get main contracts for the high-rise condominiums but we became the main contractor of Giants in most of his contract for wiring their Giants’ shopping malls in every parts of West and East Malaysia.
在我寻求谭师傅的指导和建议前,我的工作中出现了许多问题,面对重重困难和障碍。在寻求谭师傅的祝福和特别建议后,我的工作变得十分顺利,出乎预料的是一家公司愿意提供更高的工资和更好的职位。与此同时,我的孩子们的学习成绩与上一次相比都有所提升了,还在学校里结识了更多的好同学,而老师也变得很喜欢他们。有一次,有人对我们家中下了降头,但也被谭师傅立刻解决了。在之后的时光里,我们一家一直享有非常融洽的生活。 最近,我们的女儿更获得了10A的成绩,并获得了雪兰莪州务大臣颁发的最佳学生人物奖。 我们衷心感谢谭师傅为我们一家所做的一切卓越和真诚的服务。
There are a number of problems that arise in my job before I seek Master Stanley Tham for his guidance and advises. I met with a lot of hardships and obstacles. After seeking Grand Master Stanley Tham for his blessings and his special advises, my job started to become really smooth. Somehow, there is a company that is willing to offer me a much better position with extra higher wages. Besides, my children had all improved in their education as compared to last time. They also managed to get more friends in school and teachers get to like them as well. Once, there is someone who made black magic in our house with some weird items was overcome by Master Stanley Tham. When years passed by we enjoyed a very harmony and good life. Infact our daughter recently scored 10 A and received Tokoh Pelajar Terbaik Award from Menteri Besar Selangor. We are truly grateful to Grand Master Tham for all his fantastic and genuine services done for us.
Before I met Master Stanley Tham, I am working as a professional computer engineer at a large computing are many problems faced by my career, family, and children. However, after being persuaded by my wife, we engaged Master Tham to remedy the feng shui of my house. After the Feng Shui was done, things really changed! I get the chance of having my own business, venturing into robotics dealing and things are turning for the better. My kids also progressed well in their studies. Things are running smoothly. I even managed to buy another property in KL. However, after I moved into my KL house, we engaged another Feng Shui Master from KL due to convenience but things started to go wrong. My business is not doing well and there are many problems in both our family’s social and working life. It is not how it used to be. My wife and I realized that there is a big difference between engaging Master Tham and the KL master. In the end, my wife and I decided to engage back Master Tham for his Feng Shui services. It is really a big difference! I now managed to expand my robotic business to Singapore and Malaysia, nationwide! Now even to Thailand. Now we understand only genuine feng shui master can only bring you effective results! We are truly grateful to Master Tham!
WONG先生, 商人
At the beginning before meeting Master Tham, my business was running very badly and it brought a lot of problems to me. My relationship with others was extremely bad. There are a lot of backstabbers that turn my relationship with everyone even sour. Luckily one day I have the fate to meet Master Tham. He remedied the Feng Shui of my house and shop. Then everything instantly turned to the better. My children are more filial and they had the chance to further their studies overseas. Now I even have the chance to travel overseas for holidays too. Later I bought very special Buddha Statues and the best amulets from him to enhance our luck further. I couldn’t express how thankful I am to have such a fantastic Master Stanley Tham.
We have consulted some Feng Shui masters but instead turning for the better, it had become worst. Wasting time and money, we really faced with great sadness, bad legal entanglement, and disappointment. Knowing Master Tham, we do not wish to delay in engaging him immediately. After Feng Shui has been done by him and blessed by him, all my family members enjoy fantastic result. We enjoy good business, good health, peaceful and happy. My sons and daughter are also doing very well. We also realized that Master Tham Yellow Takrut hang above outside door, it has ward off dirty spirit from entering our house. While the Red Takruts hanged inside our house, it has enhanced our luck. We hereby expressed our most sincere thanks and appreciate Master Tham heartily for practicing truth and fantastic Feng Shui which benefited all of us!
最近,我们在One Utama碰巧遇到了谭师傅。十多年前,我和我的家人就聘请谭师傅为我们风水布局。在我们咨询谭师傅前,我儿子身弱多病,多次被送进医院。为此,我妻子也很担心,但她的身体也很不好。全家还患有各种疾病,从早到晚都不停争吵,很难在家里找到和谐安乐。我们对冒充的风水师傅感到非常失望,直到通过一位非常亲密的朋友介绍而决定聘请谭师傅。向他咨询后,生意开始顺利并且十分成功。我大约六岁的儿子更变得强壮和健康,我女儿的重病也渐渐完全康复。我所有孩子的学业都突飞猛进,孩子间也不再吵架了,彼此相爱和互相理解,屋子里充满了和谐与欢笑。因为我的生意一切顺利,而且家庭安宁,我的妻子就可以安心了,也很健康了。我的长子现在是儿童专科医生,而二女儿则是药剂师。小儿子也在新加坡获得了奖学金深造,在同龄人中十分特出,经过多年努力,在新加坡找到一份很好的工作。更重要的是,现在,我有一个非常幸福美满的家庭,孩子们也都很孝顺。我们为当初聘请谭师傅的正确决定感到高兴和骄傲,对于他的祝福和为我们解决家里的煞气带来的改变无限感谢!根据谭师傅建议,我们不断为社会做出贡献和回馈。
Just recently, we bump into Master Tham in One Utama coincidentally. My family and I engaged Grand Master Stanley Tham for his Feng Shui services more than ten (10) years ago. Before we consult Master Tham, my son’s health is always weak and he was warded several times in the hospital for sickness. My wife has too much to worry about and she suffered bad health as well. The whole family also suffered with various sickness and very quarrel some from morning to night. We could hardly find peace and harmony in the house. We were so disappointed with fake Feng Shui masters until we decide to engage Master Tham due to recommendations by a very close friend. After consulting him, business started to go smoothly and it became highly successful. My son who is about at six years old suddenly became strong and very healthy. My daughter’s serious illness was fully recovered. All my children’s studies improved tremendously. There were no more quarrelling among my children. They became more loving and understanding with each other and there is peace and laughter in the house. Since everything is going well in my business and there is peace in the family, my wife is able to have a peace of mind and she is enjoying good health as well. My eldest child is now a child specialist doctor while my second daughter is now a Pharmacy. My youngest son managed to secure a scholarship in Singapore to pursue his studies and he managed to rank first among his peers there and with years passed by he is now working in Singapore. More importantly, my children are filial and I had a very happy and successful family. We are so proud and happy to make the right decision in engaging Master Stanley Tham for his blessings as well as to remedy the Killing Qi in our house! As advised by Master Tham we have constantly contribute to society.
邓先生儿子考获12科全A成绩的事件也被刊登在【新生活报】2010年9月4日,邓先生表示谭师傅在风水布局中,改动文昌位的风水,让儿子从别人口中的劣等生,变成一个考获12科全A成绩的优等生,功不可没。My son scored 12 As and now a qualified accountant
“Saying it out by words without evidence is not sufficient. The same goes for feng shui masters. Master Tham is one good example. He is the most genuine and reliable master I have ever come across. His testimonials are not only by merely words, but fully supported by clients. They had taken photographs together, in which I have not seen any masters with strong testimonials like his. His feng shui knowledge is SUPERB!! My business has improved tremendously. My daily sales have increased and there is more and more demand from my customers each day. In the past I have suffered with deteriorating business and could not compete with others until I have respectfully seeked Master Tham advised. My relationship with my wife and children is wonderful. My children are doing well in their studies, especially and having more friends. He was first in his class and he had become very hardworking. My daughter has furthered her studies in Singapore, majoring in Accounting. Our life is perfect now. With years passed by. Thank you, Master Stanley Tham. Your feng shui skills are really stunning FANSTASTIC!!!”
The effectiveness of Feng Shui is difficult to prove by Science, but it can be proven through testimonials, records and personal own experience by those who knew. Be open minded and experience real effects of Feng Shui yourself. There are reasons why such ancient practice (that had been older than most cultures and religions spanning over 5,000 years ago) survived until now. Here are what some of our track record, awards and testomonials:-
Recent Engagements:-

Master Tham Kuen Wei and Grand Master Tham Fook Cheong is one of the leading in-house Feng Shui guest speaker, panelist and expert in Feng Shui seminars, Astrology case studies and various Feng Shui and Astrology Talks – providing a variety of research topics ranging from international case studies, market outlook of various industries to internal training and presentations.

2018 Feng Shui Outlook for Business Owners for Ecoworld. With Tan Sri’ Liew Kee Sin, Chairman and Group managing Director of Ecoworld Berhad.

We provide professional and detailed Seminars and Feng Shui Talks for corporations, banks, property developers and our talk consists of high quality research and references. This is why our talks are always interesting, backed by accurate facts and sources.

Audiences during the Feng Shui talk held at EcoArdence. Their first Phase, Aeres was sold out in less than a year.

2018 Ecoworld Feng Shui – Master Tham Kuen Wei presenting a talk on Feng Shui for Ecoworld Berhad titled “2018 Feng Shui Outlook for Business Owners”

2018 EcoWorld Feng Shui :- Attendees of the Feng Shui Talk listening to Master Tham Kuen Wei presenting on various interesting topics on Astrology, Feng Shui and case studies to improve their business and commercial Feng Shui.

Master Tham Kuen Wei with the Group Chief Administrative Officer & Head of Retail Banking Mr Manuel Bulens, during the Corporate Feng Shui Engagement Talk for Alliance Bank Privilege Clients

Audiences during the Alliance Bank Corporate Talk held in Mariott Hotel. We specialize in providing Talks for corporates and public listed companies. You can be assured of our highly specialized and professionally catered talks, coupled with our immense Feng Shui knowledge will provide an exciting, informative and new experience of exposure for you and your organization.

Audiences during the Alliance Bank Corporate Talk held in Mariott Hotel. We specialize in providing Talks for corporates and public listed companies. You can be assured of our highly specialized and professionally catered talks, coupled with our immense Feng Shui knowledge will provide an exciting, informative and new experience of exposure for you and your organization.

Master Tham Kuen Wei presenting a Talk

Perfect Livin Exhibition 2017, Putra World Trade Center

Perfect Livin Exhibition 2017, Putra World Trade Center

We aim to be the best and most effective Feng Shui Masters to provide highly effective results or our clients.

ASEAN Youth Leaders Summit Conference : With Dato’ Seri Nazir Razak, CEO of CIMB Bank Berhad

Master Tham Kuen Wei with Tan Sri’ GK Rama Iyer, who founded Malaysia’s First Shipping Line during the Conference.

Master Tham presenting during the PRRES Conference 2017.

Pacific Rim Real Estate Society Conference 2016 : Over 400 attendees from 15 countries attended.

Master Tham Kuen Wei with key officials of the Pacific Rim Real Estate Conference and EstateMaster representatives in 2015.

Master Tham Kuen Wei with Senator Tan Sri’ Abdul Rahim, Chairman of Rahim and Co, and Dato Sr’ Lau Wai Seang, the President of the Royal Institution of Surveyors Malaysia during the conference.

Master Tham Kuen Wei receiving a research award by Khazanah Nasional, Malaysia’s largest sovereign wealth fund to do his PhD research in the field of Real Estate Finance. Left: With Dato’ Seri’ Mustapha the Malaysian Minister of International Trade during the Khazanah Scholars Award 2017. Right: With Md Latifah Daud, Executive Director of Khazanah Nasional Berhad.

With Dato’ Sr Lau Wai Seang, President of Royal Institution of Surveyors Malaysia and Sr Choy Yue Kwong, Vice President of RISM. We are engaged to provide a Feng Shui Talk for the largest professional body representing Property Consultants, Valuers and Surveyors.

Invited by the University of Malaya as a Panelist to share insights into University Lifestyle, Property and Feng Shui. With Professor Dr Yahaya, Dean of the Faculty of Build Environment, University of Malaya

October 2017 as a panelist at the Faculty of Built Environment, University of Malaya on University Life, Property and Feng Shui.

Audiences at the Faculty of Build Environment, University of Malaya

Invited and engaged by Malaysia Real Estate & Housing Developer’s Association to Present a Feng Shui Seminar during the Malaysia Property Expo (MAPEX) in August 2018

Crowd during the MAPEX 2018 Feng Shui Seminar Talk by Us

Master Tham Kuen Wei presenting a seminar during the MAPEX 2018 engagement by REHDA Malaysia

Master Tham Kuen Wei presenting a Feng Shui talk at the Star Property Fair in Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre

Crowd during the Star Property Fair Feng Shui Seminar Talk by Master Tham Kuen Wei

Master Tham Kuen Wei, the sole protege of Grand Master Tham Fook Cheong was invited as a Guest Speaker for EcoWorld Berhad for the third year consecutively at EcoHorizon, Penang
Mr. & Mrs. Wong, Managing Director
At the beginning before meeting Master Stanley Tham, my business was running very badly and it brought a lot of problems to me. My relationship with others was extremely bad. There are a lot of backstabbers that turn my relationship with everyone even sour. Luckily one day I have the fate to meet Master Stanley Tham. He remedied the Feng Shui of my house and everything instantly turned to the better. My children are more filial and they had the chance to futher their studies overseas. Now I even have the chance to travel overseas for holidays too. At the same time, I bought Buddha Statues and the best amulets from him. After wearing them, my relationship with others had turned better and my luck had also improved. I couldn’t express how thankful I am to have found him. Thank you so much Master Stanley Tham! You’re truly the genuine master!
Wong 先生, 商人
Mr. Cheng & Family
Just recently, we bump into Master Stanley Tham in One Utama coincidentally. My family and I engaged Grand Master Stanley Tham for his Feng Shui services more than ten (10) years ago. Before we consult Master Stanley Tham, my son’s health is always weak and he was warded several times in the hospital for sickness. My wife has too much to worry about and she suffered bad health as well. My eldest daughter on the other hand, was confirmed by a western specialist doctor and a Chinese Medicine Practitioner that she had a severe sickness and there are always disputes between my children. We could hardly find peace and harmony in the house. We were so disappointed with fake Feng Shui masters until we decide to engage Master Stanley Tham due to recommendations by a very close friend. After studying his profile of genuine testimonials, we immediately engaged him as our Feng Shui Master. And in so many years, my wife and I had to say that engaging Master Stanley Tham is one of the best decisions we had ever made. After consulting him, business started to go smoothly and it became highly successful. My son who is about at six years old suddenly became strong and very healthy. My daughter’s serious illness was fully recovered. All my children’s studies improved tremendously. There were no more quarrelling among my children. They became more loving and understanding with each other and there is peace and laughter in the house. Since everything is going well in my business and there is peace in the family, my wife is able to have a peace of mind and she is enjoying good health as well. My eldest child is now a child specialist doctor while my second daughter is now studying Pharmacy. My youngest son managed to secure a scholarship in Singapore to pursue his studies and he managed to rank first among his peers there. More importantly, my children are filial and I had a very happy and successful family. We are so happy to make the right choice by engaging Master Stanley Tham for his blessings as well as to remedy the Killing Qi in our house! As advised by Master Stanley Tham we should constantly contribute to society.
Mr. & Mrs. Andy Lim & Family
Due to bad Feng Shui, we have suffered in the past years. I had consulted some Feng Shui masters before who claimed to be professionals. Despite their services, I was struggling hard to survive. Two of my business met with great failure. In other words, I lost all my businesses. The exclusive distributor rights in Malaysia of a foreign product owned by a multi million company which I had been holding in the past has been called for termination. It was one of the greatest set back for me. My children are also facing problems and my wife suffered because of my failures. I remembered that at one time the Feng Shui master who installed a Buddha for me at my house even quarreled with my mum! I find it hard to differentiate which Feng Shui master is genuine. I have been thinking of selling my house and to a new house far away from the city until one of my friend recommended Grand Master Stanley Tham of Worldwide Truth Feng Shui to me. My friend proved to me where his friends, relatives and business associates who suffered from various problems and failures became very successful and prospered after they have engaged Grand Master Stanley Tham. My friend and his wife also proved to me that Master Tham who is a full time professional Feng Shui Master has a lot of genuine testimonials with full transparency. He produces fantastic result by doing rather than talking. Without any delay, my family and I immediately engaged our Master Stanley Tham to remedy the Feng Shui of our house. I was worried due to my bad astrological charts and ill Feng Shui, but Master Stanley Tham advised me not to worry. Master Stanley Tham immediately wrote me a takrut and blessed me to enhance my luck and encouraged me to discuss with the foreign company again although it is confirmed that they are going to terminate the exclusive right. Surprisingly, I had not only obtained back the exclusive dealership rights in selling the foreign corporation’s products in Malaysia nationwide but also found some really good partners. My business with the partners progressed tremendously. I garnered full support from my partners and my staff who are extremely loyal to me. My children also achieved great leaps in their studies and our family is happy with peace in the atmosphere. My wife who used to suffer from poor health transformed into a strong and healthy person. Friends and relatives comment that she look prettier and with better skin textures. They also said that our facial expressions had turned more graceful and lively. We sincerely thank our friend and his wife for recommending Master Stanley Tham to us. We also wanted to express our most grateful thanks to our Master Stanley Tham for genuinely practices only the TRUTH in Feng Shui in not only helping some one like us but many other people as well. He is truly a fantastic Master. For those who have consulted him, you are very lucky indeed! Thank you so much Master Stanley Tham.
Andy Lim 夫妇与家人
Successful Top Tyre Dealer, Mr. Qiu Huat Sing
“Feng Shui Master Stanley Tham is not only an expert in Feng Shui which he helped me and my family enjoying blissful life. He also helped me to be recognized as being the top dealers in Malaysia , especially his truth expertise have helped me to build a large factory for the further development of my business. I have full trust In Master Stanley Tham’s feng shui and talismans. He is the Truth Master”
Mr. & Mrs. Tang Yee Hoong & family, Businessman
“Saying it out by words without evidence is not sufficient. The same goes for feng shui masters. Master Stanley Tham is one good example. He is the most genuine and reliable master I have ever come across. His testimonials are not only by merely words, but fully supported by clients. They had taken photographs together, in which I have not seen any masters with strong testimonials like his. His feng shui knowledge is SUPERB!! My business has improved tremendously. My daily sales have increased and there is more and more demand from my customers each day. In the past I have suffered with deteriorating business and could not
with others until I have respectfully seeked Master Stanley Tham advised. My relationship with my wife and children is wonderful. My children are doing well in their studies, especially my mischievous son. He was first in his class and he had become very hardworking. My daughter has furthered her studies in Singapore, majoring in Accounting. Our life is perfect now. Thank you Master Stanley Tham. Your feng shui skills are not only GOOD but FANSTASTIC!!!”
Mr. Chan & Family, Malacca
We purposely go all the way down to Ipoh to visit and express our gratitude to Grand Master Tham by presenting him an appreciation board. In that visit, we purchase again some Buddhist Amulets and takruts for our children and ourselves as well as for our friends. A few months ago, Master Tham helped us to pray and bless our family. After his blessings and Feng Shui services, our family enjoy good health, happiness and peace. My children’s studies improved tremendously. My career also improved beyond our expectation. We wanted to grab this opportunity to thank Master Tham for his wonderful services. Being blessed by him and wearing his amulets, we realised that what distinguishes Master Tham from other masters is that he is an effective Feng Shui Master who gave us great happiness, confidence, success, wealth, peace and protection.
Jennifer Hong, Company Private Secretary
“Since knowing you for being able in performing fantastic feng shui and so accurately in the predictions of Life Astrology for several CEO’s and staffs and also wonderful feng shui done to so many, your predictions for my predetermined days of accident really did happen. However, with your powerful amulet and blessing my life was really safe without any injury without which I understand that I would definitely lose my life. I thank you from the bottom of my heart!”
Jennifer Hong, 私人秘书
“谭师父是一位风水勤,占星术算命也劲的风水大师,不少商家,高官都请他看风水。我戴谭师父的佛牌,救回我一命。因为,我发生过一 次意外,我的汽车给罗里撞毁,但人却没有受伤,我相信是佛牌为我档了一个劫数。”
Mr. & Mrs. Ng & family
Before we get to know Master Tham, we are in such a bad state where we are facing high financial difficulties. We has earlier engaged other Feng Shui masters but there isn’t any effectiveness or changes that we could notice. One day, while reading about Master Tham we realised that he had many genuine and successful testimonials in having helping a lot of people similar to our situation. We then invited Grand Master Tham to investigate and remedy our house’s Feng Shui. We would not forget Master Tham’s great kindness for what he had done for us. Before Master Tham left our house, he reminded us many times not to forget in ensuring my son carries his takruts all the time to protect himself because he is may be prone to serious accidents. One evening, my son met an accident. He came back home and show us the broken takruts. However, my son was safe and alive! Our business had also expanded tremendously. From only one lorry in the transportation company, we are now having 6 lorries with a good partner helping us to run the company. Therefore, instead of facing great financial difficulties, we are enjoying good business profits with financial and time freedom. I even strike a lottery just 2 weeks later after having Master Tham to remedy the Feng Shui of our house. After Master Tham remedied the Sha Qi in our house, our children does not only overcome serious mishaps, but enjoyed good health, wealth, relationship and studies too! My children who used to be in the bottom class soared to the top ranked class in school! We realised that we are now enjoying all these amazing changes with great joy and we are so lucky to have Master Tham to be our Feng Shui Master. While expressing our sincere thanks to Master Tham for his Feng Shui remedies and blessings, we also recommended our friends and relatives to engage Master Tham for his genuine and true Feng Shui consultations.
Steven Liew Ka Yee, Singer
With great respect and shown appreciation to Master Tham, once my first record was out for the market, the first person I think of is my Feng Shui master who was very understanding and helpful. He has also specially made a takrut for me and blessed me as well. Before my first album was released in the market, I am presenting my special copy to him to show my deepest sincere appreciation and thanks. Thank you Master Tham for your help in various ways in realizing my dreams!
Steven Liew Ka Yee, 歌手
Businessman, Mr. H. W. Tang
“When Feng Shui Master Tham predicted that I would meet a serious accident on a certain date, he make a takrut for me. On that fateful day, I was avoiding going anywhere. However, just I would like to go out for a nearby breakfast yet I really have to met a bad accident. However, the Takrut which make by Master Tham save my life and avoid serious injury. Now my wife and I only believed in Master Tham”.
Mr. & Mrs. Chai Joo Hock, Businessman
“My family and I have never been enjoying any success from our orchard before until we met Feng Shui Master Tham. My orchard used to suffer from yearly losses and borrowings. We even faced with various disappointments. However, since we consulted him for his feng shui advice, he had been giving reliable and fantastic feng shui advices together with his takrut and expertise in fixing a proper direction for my Pra Prom God, the life of our whole family have transformed into a prosperous and happy family. With his invaluable guidance, our orchard has been very profitable and never run out of cash. We could afford to buy a new and larger vehicle and another new house. With good feng shui, my children are very helpful in the family and my eldest daughter is reading law in a university. My family thanks Master Tham heartily for his true efficiency and shall never forget the moment when he came into our lives to help.”
Chai Joo Hock 夫妇, 商人
以前,我的事业进展不顺畅,事事不顺,事业难有所成。谭师父帮我看风水后,把家居 四面佛像移正之后,我的生意便年年赚大钱,由亏转盈。现在,我换了新车,也搬进新屋。
Mr. Tan Boon Seong
“With Feng Shui Master Tham’s expertise in doing good Feng shui, my parents and all of us are in good health, family more and more peaceful and blissful. With business opportunities which earlier before I know the master is just none and children scored good results. My neighbors all been burglarized, robbed and motor-cycles parked outside been stolen. My whole family thanks the Truth Master Tham’s takrut, which I hang it outside. Today I am the only one is yet so far without facing such bad incident. Thank-you always to our Master Tham.
Vangades A/L Selvarajah, Contractor
“My life is always filled with jealousy from my friends. They would always backstab me. I am suffering from bad luck, I’ve meet with an accident and I have even lost my low paying job. I also have been wearing numerous Thai amulets but yet seem so many problems arose. However, after meeting with Feng Shui Master Tham and believing in his advises by wearing his genuine amulets and takrut, my life suddenly changed for the better. I have found a good job which the pay was double of the amount of my previous job. There are no longer backstabbers and everything is going smoothly and peacefully for me. Thank you very much, Master Tham!”
Vangades A/L Selvarajah, 建筑
“以前,我常遭人妒忌,在背后说我坏话,还在背后害我。有一次,我因工意外,跌断双脚,我很生气为何身上带着那么多神符,却帮不了我。现在,我认识谭师父,得到谭师 父改过风水戴铜符后,运气大好,入息大增,没有小人在外陷害,日子过的开心、快乐很多。”
Mr. Alfred Tan, Assistant Bank Manager
“May I express my utmost sincere thanks for your trustworthiness and your genuine capability in helping me. My luck was so bad from my career to finance to daily life. However, since the past three months after consulted you and purchasing your amulets and with your blessings, my life changed completely without my expectation. Feng Shui Master Tham with your help, I have overcome all my problems and been promoted to an Assistant Bank Manager with double pay rise! That is amazing!” Now I have also obtained a Buddha statue from Master Tham for my house! I could learn Buddhist chanting from Feng Shui Master Tham to improve my luck.
Alfred Tan, 银行副经理
对谭师父,我心存万分谢意。过去,我的运程很差,财运也差,做事多有阻拦,不能成 功。自从谭师父帮我唸经,灌顶,请了佛牌和铜符之候,三个月内便发生了一件难於想 像的大事。我从一位小职员,一下被器重的升为副经理,薪水也双倍增加,我真的非常兴奋,快乐,欢喜。现在,我又请了一尊佛像和学唸经。
Miss Vasuki, Bank Officer
“Before I knew Feng Shui Master Tham, I went to few unethical masters as published in the advertisements which dragged me into more problems. Master Tham’s specially made takrut and blessings for me really do wonders. My relationship with my family members, office staff and friends had enhanced tremendously like miracles which I had not expected. My luck had improved tremendously. I have also overcome my financial problems. I am also very proud to have a master like you who is very ethical. I have informed you that with your blessing I have obtained the fund to overcome my financial burden. With your good ethics, you did not ask me to fork out extra any money, not even a single cent even though I have asked you many times what others steps should I required further to improve my life. It is not easy to get to know a truth master that can I count on like you, Master Tham. Thank you so much!!!!”
“未认识谭师父之前,我找过不少风水师父,帮我家居改风水,改来改去,问题越来越多,令我烦恼不已。后来,谭师父帮我灌顶祈福,我 也佩戴谭师父的铜符,生命上有大转机,运程大好,经济也没有问题。我想说的是,要找一位真正的大师不容易,茫茫人海之中,幸好我遇到谭师父。”
Ng Kin Mun, 学院学生
Mr. & Mrs. Oo Yook Bing & family, Manager
“My family and I thank you so much for your great help rendered to overcome so many of our problems such as my company’s business and children problems. I remembered that ever since I have consulted you and obtained the amulet and your Takruts and also received your blessing, my life turn for the better in every way. My current daily life with everyone is not only peaceful but with many helpful people around. Whenever I faced any problems or do not know which action should take, your Takrut would give me the wisdom to solve it. My children such as my daughter, after wearing your takrut and your blessing without her physical presence her bad luck changed completely for the best. At the presence, she is peaceful and has happily found a good job and enjoying working in the bank. My son who is wearing your takrut is also expecting good fortune. My family and I could keep on narrating all your good deeds which you have done for us endlessly, but we would just wish to conclude here by thanking you so much for your honesty and trustworthy in making the powerful takruts and your blessings for us which its capabilities in helping us not only proven once but have been proven numerous times. Please keep our appreciations and thank you in your unaccountable records.
Oo Yook Bing 先生和家人, 经理
Mr. Khoo Pau Kong, Businessman
“All amulets that are in Feng Shui Master Tham’s cabinet are genuine. It is because in a hurry, I just simply pick one and Master Tham blessed me together with the amulet. Within a few days, I stroke a 4 digits lottery. Although it is not much it is the first time in my life to strike a 4 digits. Now my life is with good luck. My utmost sincere thanks to Master Tham. I am now recommending my relatives and friends to get amulets from Master Tham as well as to get his blessings.”
Khoo Pau Kong, —商人
Mr. Alfred Chow, Businessman
“Thank you very much Feng Shui Master Tham! After your effective feng shui properly done to my house, wearing your amulets and takruts with your blessing, I am now having a wonderful life. Earlier my life was so monotonous. My mother became very healthy. My health is now excellent and I do not need to take any medications as compared to the past. I have a lot of friends and just came back from overseas. And of course, my income has improved tremendously.”
Alfred Chow, 商人
“谭师父帮我看过风水,灌顶祈福后,我就佩戴一枚佛牌,从此人生之路平坦顺利多了。我和母亲的健康良好,认识的朋友也多了,时常出国旅游,收入也相应增加不少,过着 无忧无虑,知足常乐的生活。”
May Yoke & Family
“ Before I had met Master Tham, my family had gone through a lot of hardship. My son was semi-paralyzed in a car accident. In order to meet day ends and to pay for my son’s medical bills, I have to go to beauty saloons to offer massage earning 70% of the charges while my husband would be selling vegetables at the night market. We had gone through a difficult phase in our lives. However with Master Tham’s authentic genuine feng shui, our life has unexpectedly changed tremendously. We have moved to a large corner lot house, 10 times bigger than our old house. Our car porch could park 5 to 6 cars. We had employed 2 maids to attend my son as well as to do house chores. We had our own massage parlour and my customers are mostly from the

Master Stanley Tham really have so many records delivered genuine Good Feng Shui to them.
upper class and they keep on recommending their family and friends to our massage parlour. You will never know how effective Master Tham’s feng shui is until you have experienced it. It could affect your whole life tremendously. That is why you should be careful in having a right choice for your feng shui master. Choosing a wrong master could destroy your life. Master Tham is the genuine master but very humble. With such a “truth” and good master, how would we forget to stop appreciate for all the good things for Master Tham which have done for us – My gratitude to him can never be expressed in thousands words.”
“在我未認識譚師傅之前,我的生活過得很艱辛,苦不堪言。我是靠按摩維生,丈 夫是一位菜販,入息有限。兒子在一宗交通意外,需要龐大的醫藥費動手術,因爲 沒有錢而拖延時間,導致兒子終生要依靠輪椅。由於要照顧殘障兒子的生活起居,我也進入直銷界,可以賺得一分錢是一分錢。後來,通過朋友介紹認識了譚師傅。我苦苦哀求譚師傅幫我勘查家居風水後,我的生命從此轉變了。我自己當了老闆,生意蒸蒸日上,風生水起,生意滔滔,並且請了幾位按摩師前來幫忙。此外,我住廉價屋變成搬入豪宅,駕小車變成大車,以及可以給予孩子一個舒適的環境下生活。我真的非常感謝譚師傅當日的一臂之力,謝謝!”
Mr. & Mrs. Tan, Managing Director of Trading Company
“We have many shops in Ipoh and competition is very strong. Our competitors always launch promotions to attract the customers. The prices offered are at break-even, making things difficult especially in covering our expenses. Our business was badly affected and many of our staffs left. We decided to consult Master Tham’s feng shui expertise. It is amazing that this particular branch with feng shui done by Master Tham has been generating profit although there are many other shops only nearby. We have also many good and helpful staff. We do not encounter with any business problems with this shop and everything flows smoothly. In fact our business continues with more prosperity. We had also consulted Master Tham for another branch of ours. This branch which was on the verge of closing down has becomes very profitable after feng shui has been done by Master Tham. We continue to seek for Master Tham’s genuine feng shui advice for the remaining shops and we are continuing to enjoy the positive outcome. We are not worried about my competitors anymore as our business is very stable now. We would proudly recommend Master Tham’s expertise to our family and friends. Seeing and believing is not enough, but the most important is reaping the benefits there from!” To any one out there listening and seeing is just not enough. You and your family would only able to enjoy the benefits if you have consulted Master Tham immediately. Thank you Master Tham for not only your good feng shui but FANTASTIC FENG SHUI being sincerely done for us!”
陳夫夫 ~ 許多間眼鏡商店老闆
“我有許多間眼鏡商店在怡保,競爭也非常大,競爭們時常推銷大促售。因爲競爭,將眼鏡的價錢降得非常低,使我無法週轉,花費比收入髙,造成我的生意嚴重 的被影響,並且許多職員都辭職。在機緣巧合,我認識了譚師傅,他幫我改了其中 一間分店的風水後,我的生意大有好轉。雖然鄰近有許多其它眼鏡商店,但不會影響我的生意。此外,職員有責任又很勤勞,謀事事事順利,有貴人。另外一間分店將要關閉,自從請教譚師傅後,現在的生意風生水起,大有改變。接著,其他的分店我也請教譚師傅勘查風水。譚師傅永遠是我們信賴的風水顧問。我們很欽佩和尊敬他,同時也很自豪和樂意介紹親戚,朋友和顧客給譚師傅。我本人的建議,如果要尋找和選擇一位經驗豐富和真材實料風水師,不祇是聽聞和見聞而已。最重要是風水師改了風水後有效果,一家大小獲益良多甚至風生水起。此外,給他看過風水的人都贈送很多牌匾道謝。每個牌匾都是一個化腐朽為神奇的風水實例。我真要感謝譚師傅大恩大德。
Mr. Chew, Foreman & co-owner of Tyre Shop
“Master Tham, your GENUINE Jatukam amulet has saved my life! Or else, I won’t be able to share my cheat death experience with you. It was a sunny day when I met with the road accident. I was speeding when a car coming from behind knocked the back of my motorcycle. I lost my control and knocked on the lamp post. I thought that I would definitely die. My motorcycle split into two parts. I was flung to the other side of the road and I fainted. However, out of nowhere, I smelt the fragrance of Master Tham’s Jatukam amulet. Slowly, I regained my consciousness and I found myself under a MPV. I crawled out from the MPV in daze. Surprisingly, I am UNHARMED. If I am lying at the road side I would also have definitely been killed by the many passing vehicles. It was amazing that there were no major injuries on my face, hands and other parts of my body. I only suffered with a slight cut on my left hand’s index finger knuckle. Even those passer-bys who had witnessed this accident was surprised and shocked. It is a miracle. A miracle for me to be able to share my real life story with you! Thank you so much for your blessing and your fantastic genuine Jatukam.”
卓文展先生 ~ 輪胎商店管理主任
譚師傅,真的非常感謝您,因爲您正宗的佛牌撿囘我一命!有一天,當我騎摩哆送貨時,發生了交通意外。突然間,我的摩哆被一輛車撞到尾部,我整輛摩哆失控撞向電燈柱斷了兩截,而我就被抛在停泊路旁的車底下。當時,目擊者以爲我必死無疑,但這樣猛烈的撞 擊下,我竟然毫無嚴重的損傷,唯一的傷處是手指有點擦傷,以及竟可從車底下自行爬了 出來。我回想起當天發生意外時,我嗅到一陣陣的草藥香味,原來是用來製造“拾到金”佛牌的草藥香味。因此,我相信是佩戴譚師傅正宗的“拾到金”佛牌保住了一命。再一次的謝謝譚師傅!
Mr. & Mrs. Lim Kar Voon & family, Planter
“My family and I are glad that we have consulted Master Tham for our bungalow’s feng shui. Since then, our fruit orchard has been bearing more and more fruits. My children have behaved well and very cooperative with each other. Their studies have improved and their teachers paid more attention towards them. My wife and I are more loving and in good health. After since your consultation, our lives have no major obstacles or difficulties. We are lucky that we have engaged the truth and correct feng shui master. That’s why our lives are moving towards a better and healthier living.”
Mr. Khoo Say Chuan & Family, Fish Dealers
“I have many relatives and friends who had consulted for various feng shui masters. Some of them were cheated by bogus feng shui master and they had experience the worst situation in their whole life. My friends and relatives had given me the most important advice, “ You should only engage the most reliable and trustworthy feng shui master. Or else, you may be landed by disaster and causing disharmony among the family members.” I am proud to say that I have Master Tham to be my feng shui consultant. My family and I have been witnessing the positive effects of genuine feng shui. We could feel the impact of before and after consulting Master Tham. My health has improved a lot even though I have reached the prime of my life. We do not get sick so often now. My sons and daughter-in-laws treats me very well and are staying happily together with me. They are also very hard working and co-operative with each other. All of us are in good health and financially stable and we enjoy traveling for our holidays. It is a miracle from a genuine feng shui. Recently, we have engaged Master Tham for his feng shui services for my late wife’s tomb and my living base (san kei). As the well-known saying goes, a genuine feng shui master could change your destiny for the better. Master Tham is definitely the one in a million!!”
“我有許多親戚朋友,他們不小心請教心術不正的風水師勘查他們的家居風水。對方一旦做錯風水,不但沒有改善他們的生活,反而會帶來災害,衰運,名譽掃地,下場可悲。所以,親戚朋友勸告我如果要找風水師前,必須考慮清楚。最重要是先 查考該風水師過去的紀錄是否真正有爲顧客帶來好的風水效果。我非常幸運能找到譚師傅幫我勘查風水。改了風水後,帶來健康,好運,人緣。最重要的是我的健康改善了很多,所謂:“健康就是財富”。兒子,媳婦,孫兒大家一起住,生活更開心,更美滿。此外,我也時常和朋友一起出國旅行。現在我也邀請潭師父勘查我的太太的墓地和我的生基。真的千謝萬謝譚師傅。”
Lee Chu Kong & family, Singapore
“I have heard many of Master Tham’s clients complimenting of his marvellous blessing, genuine Buddhist amulets and Takruts. My career has never been smooth during the least few years. No matter how hard I’ve work hard, how much effort I’ve put into, my employer would never notice it as I have been sabotaged by my manager without my knowledge until I was been blessed by Master Tham and wearing his amulets. I was always thinking my manager was a good person. I have even missed a few promotion periods. I decided to seek Master Tham for his Feng Shui expertise to improve my career and financial luck. I am really surprised and satisfied with the results. My career has become very smooth. My employer starts to notice my hard work and effort. I was promoted and my salary has increased as well. I am gaining respect from my colleagues as well. Not only that, Master Tham’s blessing and statues, amulets had also save my wife and I from been killed from a large falling tree. With full trust in Master Tham, we finally invited him to feng shui our home in Singapore. Master Tham is a very capable master. He’s the TRUTH and GENUINE MASTER!!”
Lee Chu Kong 夫婦 ~ (新加坡)
Mr. and Mrs. Chew & family, Businessman
“Thank you very much Master Tham. My whole family appreciated what you have done for us. Your feng shui advices had made my business to expand from one shop to double which I have never expected. Both of my sons have scored well in their studies and currently, they are pursuing their degrees majoring in Computers and Engineering. Our family is very close, understanding, healthy and everything goes well for us. We could feel that we are more energetic and younger. Now, we would go for breakfast every morning together before we head to work. Thank you very much Master Tham for practicing “truth” feng shui for us and for others!”
Mr. Jay Thong, Hair Stylist
“A BIG THANK YOU to Master Tham for his blessing to my whole family. Wearing your genuine Buddhist amulets has been helping us in every way. Ever since I had carried your Jatukam and amulet, my hairstyling business has improved a lot and starting to create a niche among the competitors. More good and experienced staffs are employed. Once mentioned of my saloon, people will know about it. My customers would be flowing in non-stop from 10am till 6pm and sometimes, and usually booking is required to avoid waiting. Master Tham’s blessing and his genuine Buddhist amulets are amazing and HIGHLY recommended. THANK YOU SO MUCH MASTER THAM!!”
譚師傅,我心存萬二分謝意!自從譚師傅幫我和家人唸經,灌頂以及請了正宗佛牌 “拾到金”之後,我的理髮店順順利利發展。職員經驗豐富,勤勞,有責任感又聽話。現在,我的生意風生水起,蒸蒸日上,有聲有色。我真的非常興奮,多謝譚師傅!
Mr. & Mrs. Lim, Tyre Supplier
“After we came back from overseas, my husband fell ill seriously and he has to be admitted to the hospital. Not long after, he laid coma in hospital. The hospital has tried many ways to identify his root of illness but failed. Thereafter, I transferred him to another hospital. Again, the doctors failed. My brother-in-law immediately contacted Master Tham and explained my husband’s condition to him. According to Master Tham, my husband had offended the tree spirit. With Master Tham’s helped, it was surprising that my husband regained his consciousness and he left the hospital in good health. It was a miracle and the doctors were puzzled! When I told him about Master Tham’s findings, my husband admitted that he had cut down a tree’s branch that blocked the door of our store. We thanked Master Tham for his sincerity. He is very frank and helpful and very professional in his practices. It is not easy to come across a trustworthy master like him. Finally, we had consulted Master Tham’s feng shui advices for our house. It gives us new hope and another source of income. Master Tham is not only an expert in feng shui but spiritual knowledge as well. You are the BEST!!!!”
Mr. Lim ~ 輪胎供應商
Mr. and Mrs. Chew & family, Businessman
“Thank you very much Master Tham. My whole family appreciated what you have done for us. Your feng shui advices had made my business to expand from one shop to double which I have never expected. Both of my sons have scored well in their studies and currently, they are pursuing their degrees majoring in Computers and Engineering. Our family is very close, understanding, healthy and everything goes well for us. We could feel that we are more energetic and younger. Now, we would go for breakfast every morning together before we head to work. Thank you very much Master Tham for practicing “truth” feng shui for us and for others!”
Mr. Ho Tan Yu, Businessman
“I am a widower. Since I have consulted Master Tham for his feng shui advises, my business has improved and my landed properties have started to accumulate. I have bought a piece of plantation land as well as housing development land. My son has improved in his studies. He had taken Penilaian Tahap Satu (PTS) and passed the examination. He had skipped Standard Four and proceeded on to Standard Five. He had scored Straight As in his Ujian Penilaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR) examination. Now, he has furthered his studies in college with scholarships. I am very glad as I do not have to worry about his studies anymore. My relationship with my children is very close and we lead a happy and healthy life. We thank Master Tham for not only good feng shui but for his FANTASTIC FENG SHUI!”
我是一名鳏夫。由于我曾咨询过谭师父的风水建议,我的业务有所改善,我的地产业也开始累积。我买了一块种植园土地以及住房开发用地。我儿子的学业有所改善。他申请了Penilaian Tahap Satu (PTS) 并通过了考试。他跳过标准四并进入标准五。他在Ujian Penilaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR) 考试中考获全科A。他通过奖学金迈进了他的大学生涯。我很高兴不再为他的学业而担心了。我与孩子的关系非常亲密,我们过着幸福健康的生活。我们感谢谭师父不仅有很好的风水,更多得是神奇!
Sundries shop Proprietor, Mr. Tan
“My daughter-in-law let his daughters wear the Takrut which make by Feng Shui Master Tham. One day when one of these grand daughters on the way to school met a motorcycle accident. However with the talisman she is wearing, she was not injured. Thanks Master Tham heartily for his takrut!”
Mr. & Mrs. Kwan Toh Keong, Businessman
“My husband and I are involved in different business. I am involved in trading of bulk goods, where I am the middle person while my husband operates a hardware shop and spare parts. Before we consulted Master Tham, I am always lacked of luck and not well in dealing in human relationship. I could never agree in good terms with the suppliers and customers. I had lost a lot of businesses, especially the major customers. My husband’s businesses did not go on well. He always has difficulty in collecting his debts. My only son is very quiet and has difficulties in mixing around. We decided to pay Master Tham a visit during my sister from KL after been recommended by her friends with great hopes to improve all our luck. It is very unique to have a feng shui master with so many real life testimonials with photographs taken along with his grateful clients. My brother-in-law had been unemployed for quite some time and my sister was facing insomnia. After some consultation and recommendations from Master Tham, we had purchased takruts for personal protection (TR001), takruts for enhancing relationship and business (TR002) and building takruts (TR003 and TR004). It is amazing to feel the changes in our life after we had carried the takruts with us. I could instantly feel that my relationships with others had increased, even those passer-by on the road would smile at me! My son begins to mix around and gain new friends. Most important of all, he is more obedient and listens to my advices. My husband is able to collect his debts. As for my brother-in-law, he is very happy as he is able to secure a good job and my sister is sleeping soundly every night. Recently, I have requested Master Tham to tailor a specially-made Takrut to suit my birth chart as I am meeting with a supplier from Hong Kong. We are very satisfied with the results and thank you Master Tham!”
“我和丈夫經營不同的生意。我是經營零售貿易。我的丈夫是經營五金店。在還未佩戴銅符之前,衰運,生意敗退,收賬困難,人際關係有問題,諸事無成,客戶,供應商和我也時常鬧意見。此外,我的兒子人緣也欠佳。後來,來自吉隆坡的姐姐通過她的朋友介紹而認識譚師傅。我們也知道譚師傅是最真實力的國際知名風水大師,經驗豐富,擁有許多透明化的事實印證,報章及雜誌親臨採訪真人真事的紀錄。爲了要改善運程,人緣,事業,財運,我決定和姐姐一起去請教譚師傅。我的姐夫有一段時期失業,姐姐也時常失眠,但佩戴譚師傅的銅符TR001 ( 加強護身,運氣,財運 ), TR002 ( 加強人緣 ),TR003和 TR004 ( 加強主人家好運,財運 )之後,我感覺到人緣關係大增了,客戶,朋友及家人的感情越來越融洽。此外,我的兒子也認識許多新朋友,與朋友也很和氣相處。最重要的是,兒子也很順從和聽從我們的勸告。我的丈夫生意興隆,做事順利,拖賬的債主又自動前來還錢。現在的生活渡過難關,變得安定了。此外,我的姐夫也很高興得到他理想的工作,姐姐的睡眠也大有改善。譚師傅根據我的生辰八字,特別精製一支銅符給我佩戴後,我也很順利和成功與來自香港的供應商來往買賣生意。我真的要多謝譚師傅!我一定會介紹我說認識的朋友給譚師傅。”
Sundries shop Proprietor, Mr. Tan
“My daughter-in-law let his daughters wear the Takrut which make by Feng Shui Master Tham. One day when one of these grand daughters on the way to school met a motorcycle accident. However with the talisman she is wearing, she was not injured. Thanks Master Tham heartily for his takrut!”
RHB Bank Assistant Manager, Ms. Khoo
“When Feng Shui Master Tham enhanced feng shui and blessing to my praying altar he placed a copper plated talisman in my house. From that day onwards my clients and staff were cooperative and my work goes on smoothly without stress. Both my husband and I became more healthy and lucky. We thank our Master Tham sincerely for making our life better and we now only believe in our Master Tham, the Truth Master.
Project Contractor, Mr. Roland Tay
“With Feng Shui property done by Feng Shui Master Tham and the talisman at my altar table my projects go on very smoothly with easy and prompt collection on payment. My whole family is blissful especially my children scored grades up to my satisfaction. Predicted accident of my children. Have been minimized with our master talismans and serious take serious precaution on predetermined dates. Our family called him the Truth Feng Shui Master.”
Plantation Owner, Mr. Chong Kok Ming
“Since Feng Shui Master Tham have done a well remedy My house feng shui with a takrut at the altar everything you can think off goes on well with me. Such as I stop drinking and gamble. Children scored good grades. As admired by friends, relative and neighbours. Get a long very well with my parents. Many business opportunities and a very blissful family. All of my neighbour’s house has suffered theft or burglary except my house at the center. My family thanks Master Tham heartily for its truth efficiency. He is really the Truth Master”
Chang Kok Ming 先生,种植户
Lim Kar Voon, Fruit Plantation Owner
Last time, I get to know Master Tham through the recommendation of a friend. Before meeting Master Tham, the yield from my fruit trees in my plantation was very low. Everything seemed to be against my luck and life was very hard. After Feng Shui was done to my house and my plantation, the yield was high and I gained a lot of income. I found workers that are very faithful to me and I felt very thankful for that. Other than that, my children get good results in their examinations and are more filial. My family and I are living very happily and we have a really good bond with each other. I couldn’t have thank Master Tham enough. A testimonial presented to him can’t even explain how grateful I am!!!
Mr. Choy, Student
I am student from TAR College. I am a Christian. The Feng Shui of my house was done by Master Tham. Last time, my father was just a worker but now after Feng Shui was done, he has his own factory and my mum is the top selling insurance agent in her company. I frequently visit Master Tham to ask for advices about my astrology chart. There was this day when he told me that a black star arrived at my chart and a serious accident will happen to me. He blessed me and even gave an Amulet to me. Although I’m a Christian, I took his advices seriously and carried the amulet everywhere I go. One day one the way back to my hometown, I was speeding. Suddenly an iron rod fell of from a lorry in front of my car thrust into the iron bonnet of my car, passing through the car body and passing through the iron water tank and finally entered the car dashboard. What was extremely lucky was that the rod was only an inch away from my chest. I was extremely shocked that night. If I wouldn’t be the amulet that I was carrying, I’d be dead. I called my father and Master Tham. I got help
from Master Tham’s friend from Bidor to repair and replace a new water tank before I continued my journey. There’s another time when I was on my way fetching my father’s worker back home from the factory. I went pass this road near the graveyard. It was around 4.30am that day when suddenly I saw this huge spirit flew in front of me and then it tried to avoid my car. It really gave me a shock but I was very thankful that it didn’t harass me, instead it tried avoiding me. It must be the power of the amulets that I wore and placed in my car. I was really thankful to have known Master Tham as my Master that had given me so much useful advices and saved my live. My family and I trust him as our only Master!! Thank you so much Master Tham! You’re truly the genuine one!
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Su Men, Contractor
I knew Master Tham through a friend of mine who had also greatly benefited by his services. Before the Feng Shui of my house was remedied by Master Tham, my life was very troubled. I couldn’t get the contracts and often can’t receive my debts. My children’s studies were not satisfying either. After receiving Feng Shui service from Master Tham, I get the contracts that I wanted and my children’s studies have improved!!!! My relationship with my family and clients had had also improved and we’re all very happy and satisfied with the outcome! A grateful thanks to my genuine Master Tham!
Mrs. Phang, Businesswoman
I was wearing Master Tham’s personal takrut. I’ll wear it where ever I go. One day around 6am, I was travelling back home. Just a second after I over took a lorry, a car from behind crashed on to a lorry. Other drivers from behind had not noticed that there’s a car behind them or over taking them nor hearing any sound of braking. They only saw the car when it crashed directly on the lorry with family of 5 persons all killed! I was very lucky that I had taken over the lorry or the fated car would crash onto my car and I could lost my life. Thanks so much Master Tham and his powerful takrut.
Mr. Joshua, Estate Agent, Singapore
My girlfriend is a very close friend to Master Tham’s daughter. One night, Master Tham’s daughter dreamt of me involved in a fatal accident. She narrated the dream to Master Tham in full details, its colour, action and scene in the dream. Master Tham immediately astral blessed me to avoid the fatal accident and send a takrut to me as well as advising me not to go out for at least one week. My girlfriend told me that Master Tham’s daughter has some kind of sixth senses power and my girlfriend made me to stay at home and not going out for any event no matter how important it was. After a week, I was travelling in motorbike when a car knocked onto my bike. I was not injured at all. I believed that without his advises and immediately sending me the takrut, I may have really facing a fatal accident. Later my girlfriend and I expressed our most sincere thanks to Master Tham and his daughter at his house! My girlfriend and I have never failed in wearing Master Thams’s takrut wherever we go.
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Sum Woh, Food Stall Owner
Before I know Master Tham, my family and I lived a very hard life without any prospect. I have consulted other Feng Shui masters but it was useless. I am a wage earner and the meager income was not enough to support my family. My children’s health and studies were poor. After Feng Shui had been done and blessed by Master Tham, about one year later, unexpectedly we owned a fish head mee stall inside a restaurant, doing a very brisk business. Due to good Feng Shui and less stress, my wife and my features look very good. Our children become healthy and excel in their studies. If there’s anyone looking for a Feng Shui master, there is no one I could recommend other than our Master Tham!
Lee Sum Woh, 熟食小贩
Mr. Chong & Family, Businessman
Last time before I met Master Tham, someone put a black spell on me. After being blessed by Master Tham, I was cured from the spell. I am also wearing Master Tham’s takrut. Months later while wearing his takrut, I feel that something was poking me for a few days. Days after when the poking stopped, I found out a person who was jealous of me was very sick. And then I knew that he was the one behind all the black spell. I’m now very safe thanks to Master Tham.
Mr. & Mrs. Looi, Businessman
After the Feng Shui of my house had been done, everything goes on very smoothly the way I wanted. It was amazing. My eldest son is now a boss, running a transportation business and has a very stable income and he got married and gave birth to my wonderful grandson! I get double happiness after meeting Master Tham! I present him a board of testimonial to show my appreciation. Thank you so much Master Tham!
Mrs. Sakarama
I was living my life in a very hard way. My luck was extremely bad and everything doesn’t seem to be going the way I wanted it to be. I went to consult Master Tham for some advice and guidance to improve my life better. He studied my astrology chart in detail and he told me that in a period of 6 months I will be facing serious mishaps and accidents. He recommended me some good amulets and I bought a Jatukam Statue from him. As advised by him, I wore my amulets everywhere I go and be cautious.
That date finally arrived. I was robbed. The robber warned me not to scream but I was too scared and I lost control of my emotions and I screamed non-stop. No matter how he warned me not to scream with a knife on my throat, I still couldn’t control myself from screaming. The robber slashed my throat without me noticing as I was screaming frantically. I was very surprised that I wasn’t injured at all. I was very extremely lucky to have worn my amulet that day or else I had probably been dead. After that incident, I went to see Master Tham to tell him about it and to thank him. My life was saved because of him. Thank you so much again Master Tham. You’re the best!
Mr. Yeow Weng Khin & Family
Before we could consult a truth Feng Shui master like Master Tham, everything seems to be not right in the family. I was very poor in health and therefore facing some obstacles in my work. My father could not find a good employer in terms of pays and benefits as well. Life for us is monotonous. With the help of Master Tham’s fantastic Feng Shui, not only that my health had improved but my pay has increased too. Our lives have become full of happiness and excitements. The surprise is especially for my father who often complains that he could not find a good employer during all those years, had finally found a very good employer who offered him with higher salaries and better benefits, as well as a brand new car for him! Wow! I hereby not only express my most sincere thanks to Master Tham for his truth Feng Shui done for us but also expressing my most sincere thanks to my current boss (who has consulted Master Tham for his Feng Shui remedies at his residential and factory. His factory has expanded from one factory to five factories.) for recommending Master Tham to us to enable us to have better lifestyle in our family. I hope that the readers would seek Master Tham for his Feng Shui advises.
Mr. Chan & Family
Before I met Grand Master Tham, things were quite bad that time. There are a lot of obstacles and misfortunes that I had to endure. However, after engaging Grand Master Tham for his extraordinary Feng Shui services, blessings, and wearing his amulets as well as takruts for the whole family, things started to change in my life. I managed to open up a new firm and able to have both free time and financial freedom. My business also developed well with many new ventures and opportunities. Above all, my relationship with my family improved tremendously. Because of all the fantastic Feng Shui remedies and amazing changes done by Grand Master Tham, my family and I are still enjoying the good Feng Shui done by him in the past. I really want to thank Grand Master Tham for being the best Feng Shui Master who had helped me and my family so much that practices only the “Truth” in Feng Shui.
Mrs. Fa & Family
I had a pair of twin daughters who frequently became sick and would need to consult the doctors occasionally. Worst of all, they would cry in the middle of the night where they find it hard to fall asleep. We tried engaging several Masters to help them but all ended in vain. The whole family also suffered nightmares over the disturbed children. However, after consulting Master Tham and purchasing his amulets as well as having my children blessed by him, they had stopped crying and enjoyed good health too! We finally can sleep soundly and have peace. We are extremely grateful to Grand Master Tham for his valuable blessings and genuine amulets. Our family will always purchase amulets from Master Tham and even recommend our friends and relatives to consult him in matters related to Feng Shui. Thank you Master Tham!
Mr. Phoon & Family
I visited Master Tham with my son some time ago and he told us that my son’s luck was bad and that he should be careful since he is prone to accidents particularly that year. We bought a few amulets from Master Tham and he blessed us. One afternoon, my son was driving a motorcycle before he met an accident. He fall from the motor and the crash was quite serious. Miraculously, my son suffered only minor injuries. There was one thing however, where the amulet we purchased from Grand Master Tham was broken due to the accident. The amulet saved my son’s life. We went to pay Master Tham a visit and purchase a new amulet for my son. My son’s bad astrological star in that same year had a recurrence of accident a few months later. However, in the second accident, it was a great surprise that the amulet my son wearing had disappeared even though the necklace with the amulets could not be removed or came out from the head while the helmet is still put on. With such massive impact of the second accident crash, he was very lucky to survive. We visit Grand Master Tham and inform him of his genuine foresight of the accident, his effective blessings and the capability of the genuine amulets. We bought more amulets for our family too. Master Tham’s amulets and blessings had saved my son’s life twice. The amulet also brought him luck and protection. For all these reasons, we are extremely proud to express our gratitude to Grand Master Tham. We also recommend our relatives to purchase Master Tham’s genuine and good amulets. I suggest that all parents should acquire genuine and effective amulets for themselves as well as their family members for protection. These amulets are far more valuable than jewellery because they can enhance luck, good health, romance, wealth, relationship and above all, save lives.
Mr. Kang & Family
There are a number of problems that arise in my job before I seek Master Tham for his takruts and amulets. I met with a lot of hardships and obstacles. After seeking Grand Master Tham for his blessings and his special amulets, my job started to become really smooth. Somehow, there is a company that is willing to offer me a much better position with extra higher wages. Besides, my children had all improved in their education as compared to last time. They also managed to get more friends in school and teachers get to like them as well.

Mr & Mrs Kang daughter scored 10 A & received tokoh pelajar terbaik award
Once, there is some strangers who made black magic in our house by placing some dung attached with some weird items including a cigarette. However, due to Master Tham’s takruts, the black magic did not work. We are truly grateful to Grand Master Tham for all his fantastic and genuine services. Thank you once again!
Mr. Chong, Restaurant Owner, Ipoh
I used to have difficulties and face many complications in my business and personal life. However, I purchased some amulets and takruts from Master Tham a few months back. He blessed me and prayed for me as well. After that, my business improved tremendously. My life becomes merrier and happier. I am truly grateful to Master Tham for his wonderful amulets and Buddha Statues that assisted me greatly in personal and business matters. He is a really good Feng Shui master.
Mr. & Mrs. Hiew Chee Kong & family
Few Years ago before my wife and I seek renowned feng shui Master Stanley Tham for guidance for our home and business we faced many obstacles and problems such as uncooperativeness among our employess and some business problems. After feng shui was successfully done we enjoyed really good feng shui, good health, luck and prosperity. My eldest daughter scored flat A’s in PMR and now studying in a Kuala Lumpur college. Not only our business had prospered tremendously but our children’s studies had become fantastic and they were more obedient. At least two of my eldest children manage to score top 3 and 4 in the state of Terengganu’s schools in speech contests. I am now planning to venture into other business. Futhemore, to cut it short with fantastic feng shui done and
often been blessed by our Master Tham, from wearing his amulets my wife’s life was saved from a deadly charm! Though we stayed far away in Terengganu we had never fail to visit Master Stanley Tham few times a year in Ipoh. We will never forget a genuine fantastic feng shui master like him who is always with his sincere effort in helping us throughout the years. Thank you Master Tham for taking every risks and blessing us whenever we came to you!
Integrity & Awards 廉正
Grand Master Stanley Tham Fook Cheong
International Feng Shui Grand Master Tham Fook Cheong or best known as Master Tham is a notable person in Malaysia. He is well known for his contribution in welfare activities, community services as well as in the field of Feng Shui, Astrology, and Buddhism.
Master Stanley Tham have been awarded by the International Association of Lions Clubs’ International President in 1983 for his unflinching loyalty and services towards the cause of Lionism.

Appreciation Boards that were presented to Master Tham for his involvement in Lionism.
In 1984 the Lions Clubs District Governor of Lions Clubs International District 308 comprises of Malaysia, SIngapore and Brunei awarded Master Stanley Tham a Certificate of Appreciation for his contribution as District Chairman for Activities. In 1983 District Governor 308-B of Lions Club International District 308-B awarded Master Tham a Certificate of Appreciation for his contribution as District Chairman for Citizenship. Master Stanley Tham had been important advisor to a number of youths and public organizations. He have received various awards and appreciations from various clubs, associations and public organizations, such as from Sektor Rukun Tetangga, Buddhist Associations, Persatuan Peniaga-peniaga, various youth organizations and Chinese associations. The master also founded the Buddhist Association of Bidor and currently the important advisor of the association.
He was awarded by the Sultan of Perak for his contibution to the society and community. 譚師父多年對普羅大眾和社群忠誠鉅獻,獲得肯定與嘉獎,實至名歸。他於2000年7月8日,榮獲霹靂州蘇丹殿下封賜PPT卓越勛銜表揚。
Master Tham have been also consulted by royal families, corporate leaders, bankers, very high ranking government officers, politicians, lawyers, doctors, specialists, accountants as well as entrepreneurs. He rose to fame when more and more people start to recognize and appreciate him for his great Feng Shui services. He received a lot of appreciation boards and was recognized as an international Feng Shui master. He had great proven records with photos and testimonials and was recognised for his professional services. The master had been interviewed in numerous media such as8TV (Malaysia), TV3 (Malaysia), News Straits Times Press, Sin Chew Jit Poh, China Press, Nanyang Siang Pau, Malaysia Special Weekly, New Life Post, Mun Sang Magazine, and more.
Master Tham uses ancient Chinese Feng Shui. He said that the geographical condtions such as buildings, land condition, mountains etc are extremely important to enable good qi flow, to neutralise the bad qi and to improve the good one. When he was interviewed by the Sin Chew Jit Poh newspaper, Master Tham stated that Feng Shui could only be changed by a reliable and good Feng Shui master. Master Tham warned that Feng Shui is not easy and cannot be learnt through books or theories. He stated that Feng Shui could only be learnt through hard and intensive pratical practices, studies and experiments as well as studying from the correct source and analysing it correctly.
The master is also an author and had produced numerous books such as the yearly Worldwide Truth Feng Shui magazine. The books are translated into Chinese and English throughout Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Hong Kong and Thailand.
The Master is also actively involved as advisors and holding key post in several communities and public organizations. He is always ready to serve the needy and the less fortunate.
Master Tham is also members of the followings professional bodies :-
– Fellow of Professional National Accountant of National Institute of Accountants, Australia
– Fellow of the Institute of Commercial and Industrial Accountants, Malaysia
– Member of Malaysian Association of Company Secretaries, Malaysia
– Member of Malaysian Institute of Management, Malaysia
– Member of Malaysian Institute of Taxation
· 澳洲國家會計師學院會員;
· 馬來西亞商業與工業會計師學院會員;
· 馬來西亞公司祕書公會會員;
· 馬來西亞管理學院會員;
· 馬來西亞課稅學院會員。
Master Tham Kuen Wei
Tham also holds a degree in Real Estate (First Class Honors) from the University of Malaya. He is also a Graduate Member of the renowned Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) United Kingdom, and also the Royal Institution of Surveyors Malaysia (RISM). Tham had also published a number of papers such as “Macroeconomic Determinants and its Paradoxical Effect towards Non-Performing Loans in Malaysia”, “Effects of Surging Fuel Prices towards the Malaysian Housing Market” and “Factors that Affect the Malaysian Housing Price Index”. Tham was awarded the Best Speaker for the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors & Royal Institution of Surveyors International Conference held in Taylors University in 2013. Tham also won the prestigious Pacific Rim Real Estate Society’s International Feasibility Project of a development project in Christchurch, New Zealand in 2015. Due to his intellectual prowess, Tham was awarded the Royal Education Award from the Kings’ Council of Malaysia, having receiving the award from the Sultan of Perak personally in 2016.
谭权威是国际真实风水(Worldwide Truth Feng Shui Consultancy)著名风水大师谭福祥师父的儿子,谭权威自小在谭师父的严格督促教导下成长。谭权威经常陪同谭师父到国内外堪察不同的阳宅和阴宅风水,也参与各种风水布局。这些年来,谭权威跟随父亲到过亚洲,欧洲和大洋洲各个不同的城市,考究各地不同的风水。
谭权威是马来亚大学房地产学系毕业生(一级荣誉)。他也是皇家英国特许测量师学会(Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) United Kingdom)和马来西亚皇家测量师学会(Royal Institution of Surveyors Malaysia,RISM)的会员。谭权威亦发表过很多专业论文,如《 宏观经济决定因素及其对马来西亚不良贷款的矛盾效应》(Macroeconomic Determinants and its Paradoxical Effect towards Non-Performing Loans in Malaysia),《 燃油价格上涨对马来西亚房市的影响》(Effects of Surging Fuel Prices towards the Malaysian Housing Market),《影响马来西亚房价指数的因素》( Factors that Affect the Malaysian Housing Price Index)等。2013年,谭权威于泰勒大学(Taylors University)皇家特许测量师和皇家机构测量师国际会议中,荣获最佳演讲者荣誉。在2015年,他在纽西兰基督城的大平洋沿岸地产协会的发展项目交流会上获奖。
Tham is famous for the youngest licensed Property Auctioneer as early as an undergraduate during his varsity years, and had done foreclosure consultancy, auctioneering, research and market feasibility studies for a number of clients including the High Court of Malaya, District Land Offices, Ambank, CIMB, Maybank, Public Bank and Worldwide Properties. Previously, Tham worked for the Malaysian Judiciary Body (High Court of Malaya) and Savills Ltd, a UK based Real Estate Consultancy firm. Tham had experiences in transactions involving public listed companies of prime commercial properties, large industrial factories and oil palm estates. He is also well versed with feasibility studies, valuation, real estate development, investment, joint venture consultancy and foreclosure consulting.
谭权威是最年轻的专业持牌拍卖师,他在大学时,已为客户从事拍卖工作,包括为法院,公家机关,Ambank,CIMB,马来亚银行,大众银行和国际房产等不同領域提供服务。此前,谭权威曾在高等法院和Savills Ltd(英资房地产咨询公司)服务,参与包括商业地,大型工业工厂,油棕园等房地产项目。他也精通房地产开发,投资,估值,合并和止赎等专业项目的咨询服务。
Tham is also a member of the International Real Estate Federation (FIABCI), the Pacific Rim Real Estate Society (PRRES) and a graduate member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (UK). Tham can converse fluently in English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Malay, intermediary German, Thai and Indonesian. He is currently a director of a real estate firm, as well as the executive director of Worldwide Truth Feng Shui Sdn Bhd.
谭权威是国际房地产协会(International Real Estate Federation,FIABCI)太平洋沿岸房地产协会(Pacific Rim Real Estate Society,PRRES),皇家特许测量师学会(Royal In-stitution of Chartered Surveyors,UK)的会员。谭权威精通英文,华语,广东话,马来语;他也略懂德语,泰语和印尼语。目前,谭权威是一家房地产公司的董事,同时也是国际真实风水(Worldwide Truth Feng Shui Sdn Bhd)的执行董事。
Tham is following his father co-master steps by only practicing the “Truth” in Feng Shui and to do his utmost in helping others through genuine and effective Yin and Yang Feng Shui.
Tham presenting his studies at the Pacific Rim Real Estate Society’s International Conference. Over 200 audiences from 15 countries attended the Pacific Rim Real Estate Society (PRRES) Conference in 2015
With Tan Sri’ Senator Abdul Rahim Rahman and Dato’ Sr Lau Wai Seang, Director of the Property Services and Valuation Department during the Pacific Rim Real Estate Society Conference. 谭权威与 Tan Sri’Sr. Abdul Rahim & Dato’Sr. Lau Wai Seang 在交流会上合影。
Winning the International Feasibility Competition 2015 of a Development Project in Christchurch, New Zealand, organized by the Pacific Rim Real Estate Society after beating Australia and New Zealand.
2016年,谭权威于纽西兰基督城的大平洋沿岸地产协会的发展项目交流会获奖。他精于复杂的多层面贴现现金流量分析项目。 超过15个国家,400多位房地产专家和发展商参加2016年的太平洋房地产交流会
With Tan Sri’ G.K. Rama Iyer, who founded the first Malaysian Shipping Line during the ASEAN Young Leaders Summit in 2014. 谭权威和 Tan Sri’G.K. Rama Iyer在东盟会议期间合影。
Master Tham with Dato’ Seri Nazir Razak, CEO of CIMB Bank berhad during the ASEAN Young Leaders Summit. Among issues raised are regarding the implications of AEC upon real estate sector in Malaysia & University Accreditations issues. 东盟会议期间,谭权威和 CIMB Bank Bhd CEO Dato Seri’ Nazir Razak 合影。
Left: Tham with the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (UK) Asia Chairman, Bill Jones during the 2013 International Conference Right: Master Tham Winning the Best Speaker Category for the RICS-RISM International Conference 2013 with Academicians Dr Norhayati, Dr Faiz Azli and Dr Farid Wadji.
2013年,谭权威师傅于泰莱大学(Taylors University.),由皇家特许测量师学会(英国皇家特许测量师)举办的国际马来西亚国际研讨会颁奖典礼荣获由颁予最佳演讲( Best Speaker)。
Research/Academic Winning Awards
- Royal Education Award 2016 – Majlis Raja-Raja Malaysia (Ruler’s Conference of Malaysia) represented by the Sultan of Perak, Chancellor of the University of Malaya (2016)
- 5th Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors – Royal Institution of Surveyors Malaysia International Conference Best Speaker Award, Taylors Unniversity 2012
- Pacific Rim Real Estate Society Development Project International Winner – Christchurch, New Zealand (Feasibility Study)
- Pacific Rim Real Estate Society Development Project Participant – Pretoria, South Africa 2016 (Feasibility Study)
Master Tham Kuen Wei receiving a research award by Khazanah Nasional, Malaysia’s largest sovereign wealth fund to do his PhD research in the field of Real Estate Finance.
Left: With Dato’ Seri’ Mustapha the Malaysian Minister of International Trade during the Khazanah Scholars Award 2017.
Right: With Md Latifah Daud, Executive Director of Khazanah Nasional Berhad.
马来西亚企业Khazanah Nasional提供经费赞助谭权威师傅于马来亚大学的房地产金融方面的研究。